I was just wondering how everyone approches thier work. I usually have some idea of what I want to do, I might even sketch out a rough copy of what it might look like, but in the end, I play. I find that if I plan out my work, it gets very stiff, very boring and doesn't have the impact that I wanted. I have also found that when I have my scraps of fabric all over the floor, the kids some time see something that I didn't. "Hey mom, why dont you add some yellow", " Mom, I dont like the black, change it to orange". Somestimes they are right. Sometimes my "adult" view, gets in my way.
There also has been some discussion on one of the board I belong to, that one should remove their favorite fabric from the piece. More then once I have planned a quilt around an image or piece of fabric just to remove that piece in the end. So tonight, Im heading down to the living room to work (the studio is COLD). Here are a few of the things im putting together tonight. Feel free to let me know how you approch your work... 
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
Tis the season...
Well it's less then a week until Christmas. The kids are wound up. I'm stressed out. I haven't started any of my Holiday gifts. I have a few more days, right? I did manage to get my tree up, and decided to put up my holiday glass village. I do love to get out the ornaments each year. The kids get all excited as they unwrap each one. My kids are given an ornament each year. They are expecially excited unwrapping the ones that are theirs. Other ornaments are old, from my grandmother's tree, my mother-in-laws tree or ones we picked up during my summer tag sale Saturdays.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
My Little Wall
I arrived at the location for the Open Studios right on time. We were each given a "wall". An 8ft by 4ft space. I crammed everything into it that I could. I would like to add another table to my area, and some signs saying who I am. It doesnt look too bad. There weren't very many artist setting up today. There were two painters, and the woman next to me does printing on paper. Interesting stuff. The newspaper photographers were hovering around the few of us that were setting up. I'm really hopeing that I wasnt making weird faces or cursing too much as I attempted to use my husbands power drill to screw in wood screws. 
Still working on the Mary Quilt
These beads are just under Mary's dress. I might add more dangling beads to other parts, but not in black, in the pastel colors. Funny thing i noticed today while packing up this quilt and one of my first quilts (i like to bring it when i go places, i thought i would cover my fold up chair with it.) the colors and fabric patterns in my first quilt are almost the same fabrics that are in the Mary quilt. So 20 years later my fabric choices have run full circle. Hopefully my taste in clothing wont go back to the 1980's too!
Last minute work
Well, being the Queen of the last minute, I am working hard to finish up all my pieces for the Open Studios. I have two days right?! plenty of time! I have to set up most of the work today and was feeling very good about it, untill I recieved a message with a list of all the things I should bring. Now I am nervous. I just want to survive the show and maybe get a few good job head nods.
And for a change of pace, here is Rainbow Swamp. Another older piece, but never shown. I did have to rebind this piece, i had tried something new with a binding years ago and it has always looked terrible. i finally got around to fixing it.
This is the Wood Witch. You might remember the face from a few posts back. This is where she ended up. She is not as washed out in person. I actually added alot more paint and darkened her up from the last time she was shown on this blog.
This is a little piece I made for my husband's birthday. I features a stone he cut for me in the uppper left hand corner. The right side of the quilt is a close up look at the stone. Well, that is it for now, I have alote of packing to do and have to get to the site tonight to set up. Ill post photos of the set up when i get it together.
Here is one of the pieces that i will be displaying. I made it a year or so back, but it has never been seen. I have a morbid fasination with cemetaries. Always have.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Journal Quilts returned
Painting the house
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Back to school, back to work.
It's that time of year, all the kids are heading back to school. I have three heading out. Chris, who is in 5th grade, Josh and Jessica who are both in 2nd grade. I have only one job lined up so far. I have to show up to teach music on Monday. So the rest of the week is mine to do what I have to get done, just as long as those three people don't get in my way. Now I don't mean my little darlings, I'm talking about ME, MYSELF and I. Terrible procrastinating beings that find excuses to do anything but what they are supposed to be doing. I can hear them now.... Clean the house, finish painting the porch, don't you have email to answer, what about going to the market, what's for dinner? I have to tell them to just step back. If i want to get all my quilting done, I have to approach it in more of a business manor. GET IT DONE.
Well, my little housewife can get her work done. I added the laundry basket and hanging dresses. I like it. Its a bit of a departure from my more dark subjects.
This is my Pair of Pears, just another fun piece. Looks like crap on the computer screen, I swear its much nicer in person!
This is a close up of the ribcace for the split personality quilt. There will be alot more stiching. Now i have to get my full body quilt started... I have put this one off for way to long. NO MORE PROCRASTINATING!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
My new table
Freecycle is a wonderful thing. I recieved this wonderful tredle machine last weekend. It has been out in a barn or in a shed or something, and was looking a bit shabby. I removed the sewing machine and added a thin plywood top to the existing top (remember the top has a hole in it for the machine!). I painted it the light olive color on the top and left the drawers and metal work as is. I really like the look of it on my porch.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Still Painting
Im finding that i really like to paint, or, rather sketch with paint. worked on my brainscan quilt tonight and finally figured out what to put in the big blank space on the right. A full figure. Im happy with it.

I also painted up a little pointy face person/elf/whatever. I really enjoy painting the faces. I have been triing to work on different face shape. This one is painted on some commercial fabric (white on white print) that i dyed about a week ago. I dont think that you could find a better fit for the face then this fabric, i would have sworn it was made just for this image.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Maybe a deadline will help.
I signed up for Open Studios. What have I done. I just gave myself a deadline of October 1st to finish up all these half done quilts. Hopefully the deadline will keep my on track and away from starting more quilts. If you are in the area on October 18th or 19th, visit me in downtown North Adams, Mass. I will have more details on where to find me later.
Short Attention Span Quilting
Welcome to short attention span quilting. I can't seem to finish a quilt, but boy can i start them. I was up in the studio last night and as much as i tried to stay focused on finishing the quilts from the previous post, i found myself starting three new ones. This first one is ok, I started to quilt it and relized i put way to much stitching in the face, She took on an older appearance then what i wanted. I will continue with this one and i really would like to add hands and leaves to this one. I also need a bit more defination in the face. 
This little FATC, just went out to a swap this week. The theme was Enchanted. This little piece is machine felted with a hand painted face. I really like this little one.
More painted faces. Do you see a theme for this week. My paints are getting quite the work out. This little wood fairy will be surrounded by leaves also. I also see some large brances going thru the quilt. I want to work on the eyes a bit more, maybe use my pencils for a little detail. Im really a terrible painter who has no control of a paint brush, so detail work is really difficult for me.
And don't you just love this fabric? So not like me. I have recently found that even though im big on batiks fabrics, that i have begun to love some of the fabrics that started me sewing in the first place. Some of these piece are from the box of fabrics rescued from an old farmhouse. I really didnt think i would be able to use these fabrics, but have found them to be quite interesting to work with.

This little FATC, just went out to a swap this week. The theme was Enchanted. This little piece is machine felted with a hand painted face. I really like this little one.

More painted faces. Do you see a theme for this week. My paints are getting quite the work out. This little wood fairy will be surrounded by leaves also. I also see some large brances going thru the quilt. I want to work on the eyes a bit more, maybe use my pencils for a little detail. Im really a terrible painter who has no control of a paint brush, so detail work is really difficult for me.

Finally the last piece i started last night is this little housewife. I need to add some color to her lips and highlights to her eyes. I see a basket of clothing and some dresses hung in the background a way to finish this piece up. I also have to add some more fabric to the bottom for her feet. They wern't originally in the plans, but plans change so fast around her some days.

Friday, July 18, 2008
What's New
Well, for me its always, either producing a ton of work, or nothing. I finally recovered from working on all the school/kid related quilts and have had time to work on the quilts that im making for the grant i recieved from the Massachusetts Cultural Council. I hope to have 6 pieces to present to them by the end of the year. So far i have 5 started and i have to start on the key piece this week. The full skeleton. Here are a few of the in progress pieces. I started to quilt the Mary piece.. FINALLY. I really like the look of the gold thread, but tying them off in the back is taking way to long! And sorry to the quilt police, but my quilt backs are NOT pretty. This piece for some reason is VERY HEAVY. and difficult to work with.
well, folks. there you have it. And thanks to the Massachusetts Cultural Council for the funding of this project.
The next one is "RED". not yet quilted, im hoping that the quilt work will pull this one out. I like the simplicity.. but it might be too simple. 
"Split personality" I just made last night. Im thinking of adding a rib cage to the two heads. lots of painting, i really have been enjoying the process of painting, something that i thought i would never say!
Then next unnamed piece has just the back done. lots of hand dyed commercial fabrics and one piece of fabric done with the shaving cream technique of marbling. (very fun, but very messy). Im looking into adding news print, watches, and old lace on top of this one.

Sunday, June 22, 2008
First Grade Quilting Project
One more student piece. This one was done by the first grade class at the local elementary school. My twins both are in this class i was suckered into helping them do this piece. I was really supposed to be just someone to bounce ideas off of... but somehow I ended up "just" getting the fabrics, then I ended up putting the thing together. It is a large quilt. 72 x 72 inches. And for someone who is more comfortable doing quilts in the 40 inch range this was a monster. Im really seeing the need for a longarm after doing the last 4 large quilts. I cant wait to get back to journal quilts! lol. The children did such a wonderful job on this piece. They did all the drawins in transferable crayons. The teachers on this project are just the best. They really brought out the artist in all of them. They also were incharge of having the kids sew on the 150+ that they put on to keep this monster together. They all should be very proud of the work they put into this piece. I wish i had a better photo. I did hear that it might be hung up in the school, so if that is the case I will snap a shot of it in September.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
More Student Work
These two pieces were done by a local charter school. I worked with the 6th grade (60 kids, 3 quilts and only 24 hours to complete them!) They are fairly large, around 3.5 ft by 6ft. The top quilt was done in the science class and they did the universe. Whole cloth background with fabric paint and plantes that are on patches. the white "universes" dont show up very well, they are made of angelica fibers. there are lots of beads and sparkly things on this piece. The bottom piece had the theme of "green village" and the kids were encouraged to use recycled materials. the little trees are made of fabric and newspaper. I just adore this piece. 

Student Work
I have been very busy working, just not on my own stuff. Now that summer is here I hope to return to working on my personal work. For now, I have some wonderful work some of my students have done in the last couple months. These are from a local Elementary school where I ran an afterschool art program. The kids were age 10-12.
The assignment was to do a face. They had a great time making these, a little crazy with the fabric paint! Over all it was a very successful class and I hope to run a few more next year.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Still working

Another day in the studio. I'm triing really hard to keep my self up and working. It is difficult when I see all the mess in my house that needs to be cleaned to keep focased at quilting. Here is the quilt that i have been working on. The top is nearly done and soon i will be able to quilt it. I really like the quilting process and love working on the machine. I also am looking forward to embellishing this piece. Let me know what you think!
Gallery Show

Hi all, I'm staying busy, it is still too wet, cold and frozen to work outside. This is not always a bad thing, i dont have to feel guilty that I am quilting instead of working on the house. One of my journal quilts will be at a gallery in Somerville, MA. Looks like about 27 artists from all over the USA and sevareal artists from outside of the USA. Here is the promo photo. This is my second "art" show this year.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Finally back in the Studio
The first is another in the skull/x-ray series and I am not sure where it is going yet.
The thirds is from my religious series and is very unfinished. the background will be a varity of fabrics done like stained glass. not sure where it will go after that. Yes, i have a small spark of an idea, and it has to develop as i go. I dont make patterns, i dont stick to ones if by chance i did. I work very spontanious, which is why when the creative ideas are not flowing, iI come to a dead stop. Ill post the continuous progress on these. I have two models coming over this weekend for a photo shoot (ok not models, kids from the neighborhood). Model sounds so much more impressive. So i will then start my full body quilt. More and more ideas coming on fast. hopefully i can get them out before i start to crash again. Nothing is better then a little manic energy before the depressing crash!
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