Sunday, March 6, 2011

A little sneak peak at the upcoming show "Greylock's Anatomy" in Adams, Massachusetts. Stop on by on Friday for the opening of the show. See details on my earlier post.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Check out the next show I have work in...

Opening Reception:

Friday March 11th 2011, 5:30 – 8:30 p.m.

Exhibit Dates & Times:
March 11th – April 23rd 2011

A group exhibition exploring gesture and the human form.

For this exhibition we bring together artists who represent human form and gesture through diverse means including paint, paper quilling, sculpting with ceramics and plastics, digital image processing, quilting, choreography and physical augmentation.

Artists include: Karylee Doubiago, Jo-Anne Green, Caryn Heilman, Adi Marom, Lisa Nilsson, Daniel Rozin, Gordon Sasaki, John Schimmel, Diane Sullivan, and Thor Wickstrom

Curated by Marianne R. Petit and Matthew Belanger.