I was just wondering how everyone approches thier work. I usually have some idea of what I want to do, I might even sketch out a rough copy of what it might look like, but in the end, I play. I find that if I plan out my work, it gets very stiff, very boring and doesn't have the impact that I wanted. I have also found that when I have my scraps of fabric all over the floor, the kids some time see something that I didn't. "Hey mom, why dont you add some yellow", " Mom, I dont like the black, change it to orange". Somestimes they are right. Sometimes my "adult" view, gets in my way.
There also has been some discussion on one of the board I belong to, that one should remove their favorite fabric from the piece. More then once I have planned a quilt around an image or piece of fabric just to remove that piece in the end. So tonight, Im heading down to the living room to work (the studio is COLD). Here are a few of the things im putting together tonight. Feel free to let me know how you approch your work... 
WOW...that red piece is very powerful! I love how the eyes draw you in...very very cool piece. Have you titled it yet?
I work quite the same as you...I usually do a small rough sketch (mostly to get the idea out of my head and see if it looks as good on paper as it does in my imagination) then I start pulling fabrics to see what "works". Sometimes I don't sketch at all I just start and see what happens. I guess you could say I work very intuitivley.
The red is indeed powerful.
I can see how you are driven by colour. Me too. I will often gather all the fabric and thrad I have around that fits into a colour scheme--and then think about what the heck I'm going to do with it!
Love your work.
Pat F in Winnipeg
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