I have noticed lately that more and more of my quilts include drawings or painted sketches. I have also noticed, that I really forgot how to draw. I haven't really sat down and worked on it since college, and that was a very very long time ago. So a few months ago, I got out an old sketch book (with not a single page used) and started working on faces.

I'm not looking for realism here, but I do want it to be recognized as a face! I had read in a book somewhere to draw with pen. I don't know about you, but I have always been more confortable with a pencil. I decided to try it. The point behind it is just to draw and not worry about weather you make a mistake or not. I also do not take very much time for each drawing, usually 30 minutes tops, most take less.

It is very interesting to me to look back in the book of the drawings done only a couple of months back and see how much they have improved. They have a long way to go, and I haven't even tried to take on bodies, hands and feet. But there is definate progress going on. It will be interesting to see how these drawings and future drawings play out in quilts.

So get out your pens and a piece of paper and get drawing.
Very nice! I need to get in the habit of drawing every day. I feel so intimidated when I get my pencil and pad out, but once I start sketching, it becomes fun. It seems practice is the key!
Love them! I too love to sketch, it seems to help me with designs as well as new ideas. Brings out those unconscious ideas. It is refreshing to stop sewing and sketch as a break anyway. Especially outside, if the temp would stay up high enough!
Great sketches! I need to work on this more too. I am also doing a lot of painting on my quilts but haven't really tackled the face.
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