I swear somedays I have multiple quilting personalities. I was in the mood to start things today. (now don't get on my case about the 4 or 5 others that I started a month or so ago and STILL haven't finished... they have to age a while before they can be finished and I don't qualify them as a UFO untill at least a year has past). I was feeling a bit colorful for this first one. I'm not feeling this one yet....
The next one that i have been working on is the face of this odd woman. It is painted with fabric paints and pencils. I have plans to add newspaper (yes i said newspaper) to this and ofcourse some stitching. Again, I'm not sure where this one is going, and I hope it starts to show its self soon before it ends up in the recycle bin. Finally the last piece is one that i do like.
It is still in the sketch stage, I'm working from a drawing that I did while waiting for my kids to get out of Karate class. The face is fairly large, nearly 30 inches tall. We will see where this one will go.. hopefully these three will work out and not add to my crap quota!

Another strong set of pieces to be sure! Love the middle one! I like faces in art so I am partial. The last piece has so many possibilities. Keep us posted on your progress.
The "Odd Woman" is me, lol. Love it! Gloria E
Really neat face, will make a great piece.
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