Many, many years ago, back when the earth was new, I was given two rolls of gold paper. It is a plastic with a very thin coating of some sort of gold like stuff. It was once used in the production of dishes. This was the stuff that added the gold edge around a plate. You can see the circle where the gold was applied to the plate. I have had this stuff kicking around forever triing to figure out what to do with it. I saw an article in an older magazine (I have 10 years worth of magazines saved in my studio) about applying gold leaf to fabric and I thought I would try the technique with my gold.

So the basic technique for appling this to fabric is simple. First you need to cut out a shape or design from a paperbacked fusable web. Then iron the fusable web to the RIGHT side of what you would like to add the gold too.

When fused to the fabric, remove the paper backing and place the gold over the exposed fusable. (in my case this would be gold side up, yellow side down). place another piece of fabric over the top (this is so the plastic coating on my gold would not adhere to the iron (ask me how i know! yipes) When the gold is adhered to the fusable, peal off and reveal the gold now on the fabric.

Another warning (besides not ironing over the plastic) is to NOT iron over the gold. This will attach the gold to the bottom of your iron. I used this to add some gold to the green crosses quilt seen in an earlier post. I will post the finished quilt when it gets done.
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