Thursday, March 19, 2009
Progress on the face

Monday, March 16, 2009
Finally, My new website is up.

Moving on up.

My sewing machine is usually on this table looking out the window, also a good place to be when the attic starts to cook in the summer. My fabric is nice and neat (at least for the moment) and this is the table I sit at to paint (and try not to bump my head on the ceiling) I also spend alot of time sitting on the floor, I was able to get this nice carpet put down after I bought a new one for the living room. I keep all my magazines up here, and some of my quilting books. I also have my bottons organized on the jars and plastic containser. in the baskets on top are my glue collection, basket of things to iron on, and basket of reject quilt pieces. My small ironing board is also here, behind this shelf is the staircase heading down, you will most likely here things banging down the stairs at least once while I'm up there. I tend to knock them off the ironing board. The iron, however has a knot in the cord that hangs on hooks, so I can't sending it crashing down the stairs.
And finally this is my little collection of sewing stuff. I have a crank machine, some pin cushions and two child sewing machines. I have have more sewing things in my living room, including a really neat collection of pincushion chairs. Well that is the 5 minute tour. I forgot to mention, that I am never alone when I am in the studio. There seems to be a ghost that inhabits the studio and likes to turn lights on and off, move things, and casts shadows on me when I work. I have yet to get them to finish up my binding for me. And I have a hard time getting myself to go up there after watching an episoid of Ghost Hunters!
Saturday, March 7, 2009
I may have lost my mind

Discovered Gold