Here it is, two weeks before I have to have all my work ready for an upcoming show "Threaded" being shown at Gallery 51, and I am at least 6 weeks behind. If you need me.. I will be in the studio all week. I am easily distracted, so please don't temp me with food, movies or .... look, there's a squirrel!! The first piece is finished. Well, ok, not totally finished, I have to bind it. but I consider it done when the last of the quilting is put in it. Everything else is stuff I can do as I am driving to the gallery.
I like how this piece turned out, it is a bit more muted in person and the yellows don't stand out as much. There is alot of quilting in this piece and I got to play with some of the new verigated threads I purchased recently. For those of you on facebook, you might remember my recent freak out about the cost of purchasing thread.. so worth it though when you get quilting...
The next piece, is just in the begining stages. I am auditioning fabrics to go with the moon man and tree. The man was originally in the tree quilt above, but was cut at the last minute and only the eyes remained.
I like the idea of the old flowers with the dull greys. This piece will test my abilities to control black, white and greys. the little piece of sparkle black with gold flecks amusing me and might make another ring around the moon. The fabric on the right, another tree? stay tuned. The final piece is one i started tonight.
Im really not sure where this is going, if anywhere... but we will see, my crap quota is really full this last few weeks, so I really hope the next few pieces will build up my confidence that I can really make something decent. And the final piece just finished up is the Baggo Quilt I did for the FiberPirates. I really tried to make this into lots of interesting things, and the more I forced it, the worse it got. I finally relized that I just have to make something that I am happy with and hopefully the person that recieves it, is just as pleased, or at least not horrified. The fabrics I recieved were the green with gold flecks in the background and the purple lip fabric. I painted and quilted it and I did warm up to the colors. 

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