I spent most of New Years Eve working on the quilt tops I started the day before. I now have 4 tops ready for quilting and details. They are not finished by any means and can still change alot before the final pieces are done. I have a few more quilts in my head and I think I will be staying up again this evening getting them out of my head and on to the fabric.

One of my New Years resolutions, or goals, will be to do more ART. I found that last year, I spent so much time worring that my work had to be show quality that I managed to artistically paralize myself. Not able to make much of anything for fear that it wouldn't be good enough. This year I will just work. Some will turn out to be pieces worthy of showing, some will be crap. But at least I will be working and hopefully my good pieces will out number the crap.

Here are the four pieces I was working on last night, you can see the progression from the night before.

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