I have just taken 8 pieces down to Gallery 51 for the upcoming "Threads" show. I get very nervous before a show, I am always afraid that someone will figure out that I suck right before the show and remove all my work from it. I wonder how many other artists out there are doubtful about their ablities, who are wondering if they are any good? Can you ever feel really positive about your work? Would that stop you from progressing? And worse then that.. I have to stand with my pieces on Thursday night for the opening.. the gallery is fairly small, so there is no excaping any comments. Look for me.. Ill be the one hiding under the rock. So, here is one of the pieces that I sent down. I really wish I had more time.. I thought of somethings to change and to add as I was taking out to the car. Well, there is always the next quilt! 
Another one that I started this week and decided to send down is "see no evil, speak no evil". This one is all hand quilted. Now, I have to get started on the next show in September. They want quilts from my crosses series. And wanted to know if i could make more on the theme of rocks. ROCKS? Well, we will see, I have some ideas to toss around.

Kary Lee, your work is definitely worthy of being in this show. Heck, they even chose your work to be on the poster! Doesn't that tell you something??? Your work is innovative and interesting, makes one want to get closer, see even more of it.
I for one definitely go through the same feeling of being not good enough. I'm afraid it will be like the Emperors new clothes, someone is going to suddenly point at my work and say "What is that piece of crap doing on the wall?" I agonize over these thoughts but in the end I keep on making art and try to only please myself in it.
You are an artist and your own worst critic. Keep on making your art but quit criticizing yourself, is my advice.
P.S. Have FUN at the opening!!!
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